What a wonderful and scandalous story we find in today’s gospel reading! (John 4:5-42) Jesus is once again sharing the good news – and in fact says he is the Messiah. But wait! He tells a Samaritan …. and not any Samaritan, but a Samaritan woman. What is a nice Jewish boy doing in Samaria? Why is a nice Jewish boy talking to a woman? How scandalous!! And, how like Jesus!

It must have been planned. As the leader, it’s likely he determined the route they took, and he probably sent the disciples off to find food. Hence, he was at the well alone. Waiting? Likely he knew who would be coming! And it’s just as likely he had decided to share his message with the Samaritans (an enemy people), so therefore with everyone.

So, questions to consider: Where might Jesus be waiting for you? And, if you see him, will you go toward him as the unnamed woman at the well did? Will you listen, without judging yourself as not good enough? Will you recognize that in waiting for you, he is calling you and that in calling you, he is telling you that you are accepted, respected, and loved just the way you are? So it is!