In Joshua 24:15, Joshua challenges the people to choose the God they are going to serve. He refers to the God of the Hebrews, of the ancestors, or of other peoples. This question continues to have merit today – and – we can add other ‘gods’ to those Joshua mentioned.

Who or what do we consistently worship? What has priority in our lives? Are we religious? Spiritual but not religious? Or do we worship secular ‘gods’? Is our time spent on social media, the internet, sports, work? Are any of these our ‘gods’?

It has been said that we use our time and our money for whatever it is we truly value. What we truly value, then, is a sign of who or what we ‘worship’ and, therefore, what we have made our ‘god.’  And, like the people in Joshua’s time, the choice is ours.

Who/what is your God?