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“We are familiar with the experience in Jesus’ life of increasing the loaves of bread and the fishes. By applying it within our own consciousness, the meaning of the fish is ideas. Eating symbolizes mental appropriation, how we utilize and apply our ideas. The multitude to be fed is our thoughts.” July 1980

— Matriarch Meri Louise

July 2024

We can only try…..

2024-07-14T23:01:25+00:00July 14, 2024|

The words of Mark 6:7-13 remind us that we will not always be successful in sharing our beliefs. When Jesus sent the disciples out, he told then that if they weren't welcome somewhere, they were to to leave. How often to we let things go as [...]

You Can’t Go Home Again

2024-07-11T03:37:22+00:00July 11, 2024|

There is a saying that tells us we really can't go home again. Those who try sometimes say that it is no longer home, because so much has changed. Others say that there's no one left who remembers who they are. Still others say if anyone [...]

Belief in Action!

2024-07-01T01:18:16+00:00July 1, 2024|

The story of the bleeding woman (Mark 5:25-34) tells us of the woman who had nothing to lose. After 12 years of being an outcast, unsuccessfully visiting different medial practitioners (and spending whatever income she had to do so), she took that leap of faith about [...]

June 2024

Don’t Worry

2024-06-24T16:38:25+00:00June 24, 2024|

In Mark 4:35-41, we read the story of Jesus sleeping through a storm, then calming the sea after the disciples woke him. They were terrified; he was calm. He asked them why they were terrified – and asked about their apparent lack of faith. This may [...]

The Blame Game

2024-06-10T01:35:02+00:00June 10, 2024|

The blame game seems to part of our heritage – Adam was the first player! As we read in Genesis 3:9-15, God was surprised when Adam didn’t respond when called. When God asked why Adam wasn’t responding, Adam shared his new-found knowledge – oh my, he [...]

All Are Welcome!

2024-06-03T02:54:46+00:00June 3, 2024|

June is designated Pride Month in the US. The US branch of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch welcomes LGBTQI+ individuals into the full life of the Church.

Who is at the Table?

2024-06-03T02:45:26+00:00June 3, 2024|

We read about Jesus’ Last Supper, in Mark 14:12-16, 22-26. This was a Passover Meal, during which Jesus celebrated the important Jewish Feast with his Jewish disciples (sometimes we forget that Jesus was Jewish!) But during this meal Jesus changed the words and because of that, [...]

May 2024

The Trinity

2024-05-27T18:47:54+00:00May 27, 2024|

Yesterday was Trinity Sunday, a day when so many clergy attempt to explain that which cannot be adequately explained. Some concepts are best when we accept them in faith. "God in three persons, Blessed Trinity!"

Happy Divine Mother’s Day!

2024-05-13T03:46:41+00:00May 13, 2024|

In John 17:6-19, we are presented with Jesus’s prayer asking God to watch over the disciples. We learn that Jesus is proud of his disciples, but also a little afraid for them, so he hopes they will be protected – that they will be safe. He [...]

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