In 1Kings 3:9, we read Solomon’s request, “Give your servant therefore an understanding mind..” In today’s reading from Wisdom (or The Wisdom of Solomon) 7:7-11, Solomon explains more about this understanding mind, wisdom. He points out that wisdom is more than power, more than riches, more than beauty and even more than health. God did grant Solomon his request, and not only did he receive the requested wisdom, but he also received the other more worldly things he thought he had given up because of his request.

Some decisions are easy. One choice is obviously the better choice, with better expected results. The other not so much. Other choices are more difficult. Sometimes all of the options seem equally good. That was Solomon’s situation when his options were things like power, riches, beauty, health, and wisdom. He chose wisdom, and he tells us, “All good things together came to me in her company and countless riches at her hands.”

He wanted to be a good leader, so wanted wisdom; his choice was not only for himself, but for the good of his people. May we, too, make unselfish decisions, seeking the best for all.